Process Company Liverpool

Borehole drilled to a finished diameter 350mm depth 100m. 21day constant rate test pumping of the borehole using data loggers installed in off site sources also. Permanent pump installed and abstraction licence application.

Leisure Park Norfolk

Borehole drilled to finished diameter 450mm depth 125m, associated permanent pumping equipment.

ICI Company Cheshire

Replacement borehole with a finished diameter 600mm to a depth of 150m. Carry out a constant rate test on the borehole using a 450m3/hr test pump installed on 250mm diameter flanged rising main. Completion of a 28day constant rate test pumping with 24hr monitoring. Supply and installation of permenant pumping equipment with invertor drive starter […]

Severn Trent Water Llandinam Mid Wales

Abstraction borehole with a finished diameter 610mm, constructed through sand and gravels to the full depth at 1200mm diameter followed by installation of a 610mm diameter stainless steel well screen and gravel pack. Carry out a 28 day constant rate test pumping at a rate of 250m3/hr with 24hr monitoring.

Royal Ordnance Factory Lancashire

Borehole drilled to a finished diameter of 500mm and to a depth 150m, with permanent pumping equipment and control panel with inverter drive. Abstraction licence application

Mersey Loop Drainage Tunnel Boreholes

Liverpool City Centre – Drilling of 6no. boreholes finished diameter 550mm, to depths between 80m and 120m on the streets of the city centre. Extensive test pumping carried out.

Coal Authority Bacup Lancashire

Deerplay, Bacup – finished diameter 600mm to a depth of 140m, 28 day constant rate test pumping at a rate of 300m3/hr. Permanent pumping equipment installed.

NHS Hospital Lancashire

Borehole drilled to a finished diameter 400mm to a depth of 80m and installation of permanent pumping equipment. One of a series of boreholes on site used to supply the hospital which relies 100% on their borehole supplies.

Leisure Facility Cheshire

2no. boreholes finished diameter 300mm depth 80m, extensive test pumping to the new boreholes and existing boreholes on site. Completion of abstraction licence applications.

Severn Trent Water – Manton

Production borehole drilled to a finished diameter of 1005mm and to a depth 85m. Completion of a 28 day constant rate test pumping at a rate of 450m3/hour with 24hr monitoring.