Mr Hamilton, Lancaster
Drilling of 150mm finished diameter borehole to a depth of 72m. Installation of permanent pumping equipment and pressure cylinder system to enable the water to be used as a mains water system.
Drilling of 150mm finished diameter borehole to a depth of 72m. Installation of permanent pumping equipment and pressure cylinder system to enable the water to be used as a mains water system.
Borehole drilled in 1988. Drilled 150mm diameter to a depth of 60m. After 20years use Mr Cowherd rang to ask if we could check the system, we did this recently and replaced the borehole pump and rising main only.
Borehole drilled to a finished diameter of 150mm to a depth of 60m. Installation of permanent pumping equipment and float switch in existing storage tank.
Drilling of a 150mm finished diameter borehole to a depth of 60m. Installation of permanent pumping equipment and pressure cylinder system.